Tuesday 21 June 2011

How to Fight to Win!

"For we wrestle not with flesh and blood--" . I have a hardened heart---it's full of suspicion and cynicism.  Well it's due to my experiences and I can make all kinds of excuses for it  but there is only one thing to do  --- get it fixed. "Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life". It scares me to think what is flowing out of my heart right now.
So Lord my prayer today is that you would perform heart surgery on me and at the same time increase my discernment. I know it is possible to have a tender heart and still be able to guard against the powers and principalities that we wrestle with daily.  Give me that balance Lord for in it lies victory.
I am heading out to work now Lord confident that you will blow me away today with the things you bring forth from this old, hardened heart,   amen!

Sunday 19 June 2011


The story of the prodigal son is  perhaps one of the most familiar stories in Scripture. Find it and read it for the first time, or again ,  in Luke, Chapter 15, verses 11 and onwards. Sometimes it is translated as the lost son. Either way he didn't have a good time of it after leaving his father's house and squandering his inheritance.
His return home to father and happiness began in verse 17 when he "came to his senses" or otherwise translated literally as when "he came to himself". This guy you see had seemingly travelled some, revelled lots and experienced much that was not known to him. In the process he had apparently lost sight of himself and ends up in a pig pen feeding the pigs. As a person, he is dirty and poor and hungry. As a Jewish person he is particularly out of place among swine I would imagine. So. upon coming to "himself"  he realized several important issues:

None of the people where he had come from, not even his fathers servants, would be in such bad shape as he was.

He would be better off being a servant at his father's house than where he was now.

He had seriously erred and owed his father an apology. He would head back, apologize and throw himself on his father's mercy.

He did and as we see was welcomed lovingly by a father who longed for his return. And he lived happily ever after we assume. That is once he and big brother got things straightened out.

I wonder if I have ever come to myself. Sure I   have often thought I had things figured out. I've been on track career wise several times. Relationships have come and gone and left me bereft. I have felt to do things and think things that my culture and environs would not accept, would perhaps even consider me "ill". And yet here I am , late into life, seemingly unsuccessful, unhappy and unfulfilled. Could it be that in  all my pusuing I have not pursued me? I am not talking of the me that society defines, my job requires, my children and family expect or even the me I think I know. No, I wonder about the me that
left my Father's house and is known truly only by Him. Perhaps I'm out of touch with that me---perhaps I need to return to the Father and apologize and see what happens. And since I am not sure, it would seem wise to pray daily--"Father bring me back to myself. Make me the self you created and know intimately and destined for eternity with You. Father forgive me and in your great love bring me to MYSELF".